Friday, October 19, 2007
A Bit of Rocky Path
I've come to a bit of road where there are rocks to dodge and deal with. It looks familiar though - I'm sure we've been on a bit of path like it before. When the way is rough and the weather is dull, that is when you hope someone will come upon your little bit of road on the Journey to help hoist the load and say a word or two of encouragement for the miles ahead. Maybe you're that person, or maybe you need the encouragement yourself. Come along in anycase, and perhaps we can help each other - another set of eyes to spot the rocks is always welcome.
Although the path looks bare, I'm not traveling alone at this time, so maybe you should meet my Journeying companion. She is younger than I , at least chronologically, but wise beyond her years, and full of the zeal, hope, and fervor for Jesus that we all can draw from. My companion is a dear sister, longing for more of the fellowship we all hold so dear, a faithful friend whom I have had the pleasure of getting to know over a number of years. The youthful pilgrim at my side is none other than my sweet daughter, and a Daughter of the King she is indeed!
It seemed that we were just lately walking upon a grassy vale, and the way was easy, but we turned a corner and I found my feet finding their awkward way through rocks that are, I admit probably partly of my own making, and partly there due to circumstances. As we have talked along the way, I have learned of many in the Faith that she is able to fellowship with at a distance - fine sisters and brothers in Christ who encourage and uphold one another, pray, study, worship and encourage one another. Alas, on our little section of path, the one where we rub shoulders with pilgrims on the way in a more flesh-and-blood kind of way, there are earnest young pilgrims in short supply. Where are they? Has the dark forest of our day's culture swallowed them all, made the remaining ones all but obscure to the sight?
I waver between hope and hurt at this juncture of the road. I long for her, for the fellowship of young believers to be a real and tangible thing. Not for a moment does she, or I, diminish the sweet unity and fellowsip of the older saints - my petite pilgrim knows well the riches to be found in the hearts of mature journeymen, and joyfully gleans from their years of wisdom gained on the road. But are there a few younger men and women who would join together to encourage, study, pray and worship the King? In this day, the road can be lonely for the young and earnest Christian, and my friend feels the pang of this loss. I feel it for her.
I need to pause here, perhaps take that little path over there and spend a bit of time alone with the Path Master. I know that He is faithful, and will show us the way. Perhaps just around that corner, or over the little hill beyond the trees we'll see the travelers we seek. If not we will press on I know, for this is the narrow way and there is no other way that will lead where we need to go. At the end, we will see His face and understand this part of the Journey.
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It seemed that we were just lately walking upon a grassy vale, and the way was easy, but we turned a corner and I found my feet finding their awkward way through rocks that are, Lorraine, I can SO relate to this part. Sometimes I look back on my own journey and think "what happened??!!" That turn was a very hard to face, but, looking back, I wouldn't change it for the world. Of course, its easy to say that now that I am on a different part of the path. I'm still on the journey and I hope to continue for the rest of my life.
BTW, I love the photograph.
Deb (coming over from HSC).
Fabulous! Thank you, and truly, I enjoy being your friend, it is such a great priviledge!
On the journey together,
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