A Pilgrim's Journey

Musings on the Journey I share with others as we travel the narrow road, and enter a narrow gate with our Lord, Saviour, God and King: Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Starting Somewhere

This is my sweet girl over 15 years ago. She was starting on a journey then that would bring her to today where she is a lovely young woman who loves the Lord and follows hard after Him. More on her and my wonderful, faithful and loving husband later.

Mostly, this blog will be about that journey - the journey of faith that looks the same and yet different for all of us, and culminates in the wondrous entry into the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.

Each of us meets plenty of folk on the Journey - some are there for a few minutes, days, months or years. Some are a huge encouragement and build us up, challenge and help us over the tough spots on the path. Others ARE some of the tough spots on the path, and they too, are part of the Journey. Some know they have been a big part of our lives, and others will not know til That Day.

Some of us begin the Journey early in life and hardly know of a time when we were not "on the path", others of us start falteringly, coming later to the Way, and stumbling along with the help of those who are already walking steadily and surely.

In this blog, I want to share with you some of the blessings of my own Journey and tell how God has brought different people and circumstances to bear on my life, and explore something of what it means to be on the narrow road and what the parameters of that road might be.

I started out as a "homeschool" blogger, but that is only a part of the Journey that has shaped me, although I must say that I have learned lots about myself and about God through these wonderful years homeschooling the cute baby you see here! Now, as we near the end of that leg of the journey, I find myself drifting to other thoughts, deeper reflections on what it means to be a child of God, a fellow Traveler with so many wonderful people, and an obedient servant and disciple of the One who called me to this path in the first place. I make no promises that I will follow any systematic outline of the Christlife - these are to be the musings of a traveller: daily dealing with the hazards of the road, the vagaries of weather and the challenge of uninvited traveling partners, and the comfort of those familiar, known and predictable. I will be traveling hill and dale, marsh, desert, pine-scented forests and refreshing mountain streams. Moods may swing when storm clouds gather, shoes wear out, or packs seem to heavy; when socks itch, birds sing, and food is scarce or plentiful. I am just a fellow traveler. You cannot see my warts, blisters or bruises (trust me, they're there), and I don't have much to give, but I will share with you what I have, what I find, and we will journey together to the City set on a Hill. Welcome.


Sheila said...

Wow! As your daughter (that cute baby!), I am pleased to call you my mother, and to share this Journey with you. I'm so glad you started a blog for everyone in the blogosphere to keep track of you! :D

Let us cling tight to what the Lord has given us!

God bless,


Mariah said...

Hello Lorraine! I'm glad you started another blog, I've enjoyed reading it and I am looking forward to reading your future posts.

I miss you all!